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3 Steps to Choose a Co2 Laser Cutting Machine

Update: 2021-12-06

 Choosing the right co2 laser cutting machine is a difficult task. There are many factors to consider and you don't want to make a mistake and buy the wrong one. But with this guide, we will help you choose the perfect co2 laser cutting machine for your needs!

The first thing you should look at is the thickness of your material. This will determine how powerful a laser cutter machine you need to buy. In general, if it's less than 25mm you can get away with a small co² laser cutting machine and won't have to spend much money on one either! If it's larger you will need a more powerful one that can cut through thicker materials. A lot of companies offer machines with different wattages so you should be able to find something in your budget!

The next thing you want to look at is the speed of the co² laser cutting machine. The faster it cuts, the less time you'll have to wait! For thinner materials, a slower speed is fine. If it's thicker you will want a faster machine so you can save time and money!

The last thing to consider is the cost of the co² laser cutting machine.Our YITAI provide affordable product solutions suitable for any budget for your reference. You don’t need to hesitate too much.


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